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Michael Ford

Finalizing my Self-Portrait (Week 10)

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

On Tuesday, October 19, 2021 we critiqued our self-portraits that we created in Photoshop. We had to find a self-portrait by an artist and apply their techniques and style to our own portrait. For this project I chose Albrecht Dürer's Self-Portrait at the Age of Twenty-Eight. His paintings show the Northern interest in detail and Renaissance efforts to represent the bodies of humans and animals accurately. He integrated an elaborately-detailed Northern style with Italian Renaissance's ideals of balance, coherence and monumentality. Though in a modern sense his artworks express realism. The selfie that I chose gave me that monumentality feel. The word monumentality means to resemble a monument. I expressed his artistic style by using the mixer brush tool and balancing out the lightness and darkness of my self-portrait while at the same time showing the idea of coherence which is the ability of a person to express something in a clear and logical way through representation and expression.

Self-Portrait at the Age of Twenty-Eight by Albrecht Dürer's

My Self-Portrait



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