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Michael Ford

Imaging-Design II Photoshop Practice 3

On Friday, February 4, 2022 we were asked to imagine that our client is a curator at the local Museum of Art and History. The institution wants to create a printed brochure of photos from a recently acquired collection of antiquities. My job is to adjust the supplied images as necessary to achieve the best possible result when the final brochure is printed. This project composed of repairing damaged images and understanding the relationship between tonal range and contrast. The project also incorporated skills such as, correcting image lighting and expose problems, understanding how gray balance affects overall image color, correcting minor and severe image color problems, preparing corrected images for printing, and combining exposures into an HDR image.

(1) Rossi

Before After


Before After

(2) Bronze

Before After

(3) Diamonds

Before After

(4) Faience - CMYK Update

Before After

(5) Gold

Before After

(6) Jade

Before After

(7) Silver

Before After

(8) Museum - Merged Images





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